The HSIS Laboratory is a cluster of experimental and computational infrastructures for research thrusts in human-system integration. The Laboratory aims to advance the design, operation, performance monitoring, and performance assessment of complex hybrid systems. Hybrid systems are defined as systems with interacting hardware, software, and human operators. This research is primarily conducted on human reliability problems in safety-critical-domains such as healthcare, defense and energy. Of particular interest are heterogenous user populations, users with cognitive and physical disabilities, and cognitive complex device interactions. Central to this research is understanding the cognitive tasks that a human user must perform to achieve a system interaction goal. These tasks are empirically replicated and tested through simulated environments, virtual human modeling, and device prototyping. Design risk mitigation strategies are then proposed to reduce the risk of human error during system interaction.
“The lab inspires creativity in dimensions that I had never explored before, both literally and figuratively!”
Sam Barksdale – former lab member, computer science major Class of 2020